Parking Instructions 
I-75 headed South:
- Take the 16th Street exit (Exit 250)
- Turn right onto 16th street
- Turn right at the stop sign, and continue through the light onto Market Street (see below)
I-85 headed South:
- Take the 17th Street exit (Exit 84)
- Turn right off of the exit onto 17th street
- Turn right at the light onto Market Street (see below)
75/85 headed North:
- Take the 17th Street exit (Exit 251A)
- Turn left off of the exit onto 17th street
- Turn right at the 2nd light onto Market Street (see below)
*** Market Street will lead you directly into the parking deck. ***
Market Street will lead you into the parking deck, once you get your ticket turn LEFT immediately.
Keep straight and Stairwell #4 will be on your right in the Purple section
Once parked, if you are facing the stairs, the elevator will be to your left behind a set of double doors labeled "Freight Lobby", you should see our logo.
You will take the elevator to the 2nd floor and then turn left.
We will be located at the end of the hall.